Saturday Jewellery & Silversmithing Courses

Our Saturday courses offer a great introduction to jewellery and silversmithing and are ideal for beginners or people with previous experience. The aim is for students to discover their creative potential and learn traditional and contemporary techniques. Our students are always amazed with the quality of the work at the end of the course. The one-day course can be the beginning of a new hobby or a perfect opportunity to make something special. Suits all levels and ages from 18 years upwards. Maximum 5 students in each session.

A Saturday workshop costs £115 per person or if you book three workshops specifying the workshop dates you can pay a discounted price of £315. 

One Day £115 per person.

Times: 09:45 to 16:30

Saturday 6th July, 2 places Left

Saturday 3rd August, 1 places Left

Saturday 31st August, 2 places Left

Saturday 21st September, 5 places

Saturday 12th October, 5 places

Saturday 23rd November, 5 places

Saturday 7th December, 5 Places

If you want to join a workshop or have any questions please do email:


Some previous Saturday’s workshop works made:

 Ange’s owl pendant, chased and textured silver face then oxidised.

IMG_6191Gillian’s antiballistic bangle with silver balls and Emma’s robin pendant.


FullSizeRender-28 Lina’s ring, am amazing first piece.


FullSizeRender-26  Kirsten & Alice, mother daughter made all the rings in one day.


Fiona’s candle stick make over 3 Saturday workshops with disc and spike inside.

IMG_2470 IMG_2472



Sue’s silver cuff links made for her sons 18th Birthday, with hammered copper inlay.


Creatstudio Philipa bangles

Philippa’s tripe bangle; two highly polished and one hammered.




sarah's Leave pendant  sarah2

Sarah’s copper leave pendant with silver and Lapas stones. Made in a day having never done jewellery before. On Sarah’s 2nd workshop she made a hot forged silver bangle that sat beautifully on her wrist.

IMG_6386 A beautiful silver brooch with pearl.


JamesPeridot cuffs Jame’s Peridot cufflinks set them all himself, impressive!

jonathanring Jonathan’s atom ring that he hand forged and chased over serveral Saturday workshops then set the stones on Tony’s Settng Sunday workshop.

davinaring Davina’s aquamarne ring, she made the setting and ring herself with gold claws over a few Saturday workshops.

pamopal Pam’s boulder opal with gold claw setting. She made the setting in a Saturday workshop, but has been making for quite a while now and set the opal with Tony on the Sunday.

creatstudioflossiering Flossie’s ring made in a day from her unused jewellery and moon stone that was a gift from India. Gold bezel and silver shank.


fiona'scuff Fiona’s cuff made over two Saturdays with lots of patience.

Sue'sringpuzzle Sue’s ring and puzzle pendant made on the Saturday and set with Tony on the Sunday.

clarependant Clare’s pendant, she reticulated the silver flower and made a gold setting for a very big pink stone. Her first ever go at making jewellery.

image-5 Isolde’s silver shawl pin with acid etched celtic knots. Hammered and hand forged.

image-3 Lesley’s Aqua marine stone set in silver mount and reticulated shank, made on a Saturday workshop and set on a Sunday Setting workshop with Tony Tigg.

image-4 Anna’s handforged silver pendant with diamond, made on a Saturday workshop and set on a Sunday Setting workshop with Tony Tigg.


Nicols’s silver fossils.


Lorett’s pendant made from her grandmother stone over a hundred years old.IMG_3979


IMG_6195 Caroline’s very heavy hand forged bangle.